Monday, February 25, 2013

Hearts, cookies and hats!

First of all I must apologize for just now getting these pictures up! Valentine's Day was a blast and I think you can tell that your little sweeties LOVED love. 
We talked A LOT about what love is. We defined what love is as a teacher, a student, a child, a brother, a sister, a friend.....we have really tried to continue to remind ourselves to show love. We do this by being patient, by not talking when it is another person's turn or by not being distracting. They are already so loving so they didn't need much practice doing this!! 

We decorated our boxes as either monsters or owls.

Valentine's day was FULL OF SUGAR. And since it was raining on Valentine's day WE HAD NO OUTSIDE RUN YOUR ENERGY OFF TIME :) It was a fun day for sure!

Here are a few of the snacks we had:



Notice how JD licked the icing right off-pure sugar!!!! They loved every minute of it!

We then became professional cookie decorators! Seriously, if someone had told me how into this and how quiet they would be as they decorated their cookies, we would have done it much earlier in the day and just ignored the sprinkle mess!! 

Some real focus going on here!! Some of them couldn't even eat them from all the sugar we had already had but they really enjoyed decorating the cookies. A big thank you to our room mom committee!! 

Then of course there was the big valentine hand out that the kids were pumped for!! Their cute little faces lit up every single time they got a valentine! I just loved this week!! (even with all the sugar!)

They are all just the best of friends:)

Above are pictures of Sweetheart estimation and graphing! 

Happy President's Day!!

                                                               Happy Birthday to J.D!!

As if we hadn't had enough sugar last week., we talk a lot about cookies this past week.
Many students had been struggling to understand the how many more and how many fewer concepts so we practiced with little cookie crisps.

We then solved the mystery of Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?? This helped us practice making inferences and understanding how elements of a story really connect. 

Our clues-the yellow post-it says "Go Purple!" because we have been mentioning the PowderPuff game that was on Friday so the note was suppose to help them think that the person is on the purple team. The red box has a pitch pipe in it.

Writing our "reports"! :)

Our suspects and why we were inferring about them.

Mr. Evans was the culprit:)

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