Tuesday, December 9, 2014


We started off the holiday season with some Gingerbread themed activities. 
Here we practiced syllables. 

We decorated a tree!

We explored gingerbread with our 5 senses. Some of us loved it so much that I didn't get a chance to take a picture of them with it ;)

We also talked about measuring from top to bottom and practiced one to one counting. Here we are measuring our Gingerbread Man and then comparing ourselves to him!

 We just started talking about identifying a number that is great than, less than or equal to another number. Our gingerbread's height was in the middle and we used a number line to decide if our height was more or less or the same!!

We also discussed the Beginning, Middle and Ending parts of a story. We read as many gingerbread stories as we could get our hands on and we compared the endings and then wrote our own ending! Check out the cookie jar endings packet that went home on Friday. (We also learned a new word-refrain-ask them about it ;)

Reading our Writing

Over the last month, we have been working on writing personal narratives. This was pretty tough for some of the kiddos so they were so excited to finish a story so they could read it to their classmates. Look for some writing samples and a rubric in their communication folders soon.