Sunday, September 27, 2015

Falling into a routine

Did you all notice how well your students were this week? At school, they were kind, hard working and neat!! This means that they are "falling into step" here at FCA. The first weeks of school are overwhelming but I truly feel that each student is rising to the occasion and is making you proud! September is always a tough month with lots of adjustments but as October begins next week, be proud that your student is doing well and learning much!! 
Here are some of our Fall activities from the week!
Research shows that play gives little minds opportunities to be creative so we "played" with our food and then we retold the story of the Scarecrow's Hat! 

We listened to fall songs, read fall stories and defined some new fall vocabulary and we even went on a leaf hunt!! 
They loved the search for a good leaf!
One is orange,
Two are brown,
Three look yellow 
On the ground.

Three are green,
Two bright red,
One just fell
Upon my head!

Grandparents day was a hit! The kiddos loved seeing their grandparents!!

On Friday we had some time to share our favorite part of the week as we passed around the scarecrow!

Looking forward to apples next week!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

5 senses

This week our science standard focused on the 5 senses that God create us with! We explored and learned that they are all connected and that there is a purpose behind them!

I didn't get to take a picture of the list of items that we smelled: vanilla, lemon, coffee, perfume, soap, cinnamon.

We also heard and guessed these sounds: beads, water, rice, pennies, sand and paper clips. 

Not pictured: hearing and seeing activities! Their five senses journals went home on Friday so check out what we did for the last two senses and there are even some things that we didn't get to but that you guys can do with them at home! 

As promised, on Friday we played FOOTBALL!! 🎉🏉🏆
I apologize for not taking many pictures but this game was very involved! This is how we played: there were signs showing where the yard lines were and for each student to get to the next yard line, they had to complete their "play" or answer a question about a letter (sound, name, word association). Then they would "pass" it to another play for their turn. Once we reached the touchdown zone, when the student completed their play, they got to throw the ball down and make a touch down!! Like I said, this was a very involved and interactive game. We all can't wait until the next game! Maybe we will create a championship round...

Here we are with our flags at the 10 yard line, ready for their play!
  Cheering for the completion!!!

We had some new allstars join the team as far as filling out their bingo chart goes! We only have a few more students who need to turn one in and then we get to play bingo in class!!